What You Should Know Before You Apply To Medical School By Dr. Paul Drago
Medical schools have a lot of requirements in order to accept you. You’ll need to be highly qualified and possess a ton of personal achievements. Don’t let money get in the way, though — financial aid is available but it isn’t guaranteed. To help you out, I’ve compiled this short guide on what you should know before you apply to medical school.
Be Familiar With The Application Process
It’s important to be familiar with the application process. This can help you make sure everything is in order before you send your application in, and it’ll also give you an idea of how long it might take to hear back from schools once they receive it.
You should also know what kind of materials are needed for each application, so that when your school asks for them, they’re ready to go.
Apply Early And Often
You want to make sure that you’re applying for the best possible schools and programs, so it’s important to start early according to Dr. Paul Drago. The earlier you apply, the more time you have to do your research and figure out what kind of school would be right for you. And the more often you apply, the more likely it is that one of those schools will notice your application and accept it!
Go On A Pre-Med Tour
The best way to get a feel for the program and decide if it’s right for you is to talk with current students, faculty, and staff. These people are not only willing to answer any questions you have about their program, but also will have insight into how the school fits into your life as a student and what kind of time commitment it requires.
Another great resource is the admissions office website. Make sure you check out all of their information about the school and what it has to offer students in terms of education and career opportunities after graduation.
Make Sure You’re Up-To-Date On Medical School Requirements
If you’re ready to apply to medical school, then it’s time to make sure you’re up-to-date on all of the requirements, says Dr. Paul Drago. Medical school admissions committees look at many factors when deciding whether or not they want to accept an applicant, including grades and test scores, MCAT scores, and professional experience. They also look at things like extracurricular activities and leadership skills.
But one thing that admissions committees won’t be looking at is whether or not you’ve taken the MCAT in the last five years. That’s because it’s been changed so that students who take it more recently are less likely to do well on it.
We hope that this guide makes it easier for you to decide if medical school is something that you even want to consider. If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at any time. We’re here to help—and we understand the difficulties of finding a path in life that fits your passions and your personality.